Watch your step! Fall Prevention for Seniors

Jason Czettisch, Pharmacist/Manager

Mann’s Super Thrifty Pharmacy, Duncan BC


Falling is the leading cause of injury among seniors in Canada. Up to 30% of seniors experience one or more falls each year and they cause 95% of all hip fractures.  As we age, recovery from hip fractures becomes more difficult and the rate of complications increases. 

There are many simple precautions you can take to reduce the risk of falls in and around your home:

  1. Install good lighting throughout the house. Use night lights. 
  2. Reduce clutter. Remove hazards such as throw rugs and cords. Be sure there is a clear path from the bedroom to the bathroom. 
  3. When getting up from bed or a sitting position, do so slowly. Sit on the edge of          the bed or chair for a moment to reduce the risk of dizziness. 
  4. In the bathroom, ensure you have non-slip surfaces in the tub and shower. Install    grab bars as an added safety feature. 
  5. Some medications can cause side effects such as dizziness that can increase the risk of falling. Talk to your doctor or Super Thrifty pharmacist to see if this applies to your medication. 
  6. Don’t skip meals! Proper nutrition, hydration and daily physical activity are all keys to maintaining good health, which can reduce your risk or help you recover more quickly should you suffer a fall.

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